So far I have been mainly focused in learning how things work, and trying to experiment with the tools.
Figuring this things out is unexpectedly time-consuming but it is also very satisfying when the objects do what I want them to do.
In the first page I managed to get the pop-up text bubble to work. Clicking in the blue dot makes the quote appear and then touching it again hides it back.
The video is working properly for me, and I am starting to figure out how I can make it do other things such as make it pop-up our overlay the rest of the content in the page.
Finally, what I struggled the most so far is trying to figure out how to make the gifs in this thing work. It took me some time but I managed to get it right. There is still an issue with the transitions on the looping of the gif, it is not as smooth as I would like it to be.