Thursday, August 28, 2014

Narrative - Project one: Research

"Motion graphics and visual effects driven by graphics and narrative" is the main phrase in the website. Their work is heavily consisted by  motion graphics, photography and mesmerizing animated graphic sequences. Joe Fellows the co-founder has introduced a new method of narrative in the graphic design industry, said method being the Parallax Effect. The Parallax effect is displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight. It its basic level it means that it tricks the eye into thinking that a still photo is being animated.
This effect has given birth to several commercial pieces such as the campaign for H&M which features the Brazilian supermodel Giselle Bunchen as well as the popular WWF parallax sequence which showcases compelling and breathtaking photography manipulated with the parallax in order to create compelling and thought provoking mementos.

The futures applications of this process is creatively limitless. Specially since it opens new avenues to those who have limited resources to shoot a refined visual or cinematographic production. The appeal of this method is also open to the what it contains visually and who is the audience, and certainly provides a wide range of versatility.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


What comes to your mind when you see this typeface?
How would you describe it?
Any other feedback is welcome!