Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Line - Idea!

For this design I gave the number of each milestone's year a lot of relevance so it creates a better fluid hieratic relationship and order between the elements. I really wanted to maintain the child-like qualities of Hayao's characters, so rather that make a very structured, formed layout I created lots of movement that allows the eye to bounce  and play in the composition. The same intent goes for the quality and style of each illustration. 

Modes of Persuasion

Ethos: relays on the credibility of the messenger. Some other factors such as respect, reputation and credentials form part of such credibility.

Pathos: appeals to the emotions of the audience in order to make the message effective and powerful.

Logos: uses reason and logic in order to communicate a message.





Sunday, February 23, 2014

Vinil Sticker

Extra iteration

In context

The relationship between the type and the index is "relay." The phrase "give a little more" doesn't have a specific meaning by itself but when combined with the iconic elements of the index it allows the viewer to understand and come to its own conclusions. The layout makes the design intricate which invites the viewer to be engaged visually with it, and rewards it (the viewer) with knowledge about the message and topic that I am trying to communicate.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Timeline Ideas

The Legend of Zelda
Gabriel Garcia Marquez's books
Evolution of Soccer
Japanese Animation

Type in Motion - Progress

Since the last time I developed half of the video. I also included the song that I wanted to use which changed my mind about the transition time of some of the elements in the video. This might also cause the video to go longer than 30 secs, but that is alright.

Comp 2 from derick lopez on Vimeo.

MSU student and I are friends (aka we give feedback to each other)

Monday, February 17, 2014

Semiotics - Final

Topic - Education in developing countries

Symbol 1
Map resembling an apple

I believe that this depiction serves well as a symbol because without any given context or background cannot communicate the message effectively. Still, since it has a relationship and resemblance to an apple which is a general idea an d symbol of education then it conveys the message in a clear way.

Symbol 2
Mending education

A broken pencil being fixed with a band aid; works nicely as an index. Even tho it doesn't resembles the physical properties of the process of repairing the education system of a particular place. It gives enough information to the viewer so they can conclude what the sign is trying to communicate. Since it uses very basic objects, of common knowledge and use they allow the viewer to understand the idea behind the concept.

Symbol 3
Education growth

Just as the broken pencil and the band-aid. This backpack with a plant sprouting from it  allows the individuals to make connections between this objects, that do not resemble physically what the growth of an educational system looks like. The combination of the two elements; the backpack and the sprout serves as a metaphorical and yet clear vehicle to communicate the idea.

Connotation - Professional

I feel like using the word profesional to describe something has some other connotations attached to it. Connotations such respectful, trustworthy, honest and reliable. I wanted to stick to my original designs since they are easier to read in different mediums and communicate the message in a clear fashion. They are also more versatile, in other words they can be adapted to follow certain trends and or the visual likes of a community. 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Type in Motion for MSU feedback

Designed keyframes

Quote: Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that is why it is so      complicated.

Motion test

Design can be from derick lopez on Vimeo.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Semiotics - Connotation Iterations

For the serious one I decided to give it a more realistic/detailed finish to my iterations, allowing the viewer to create associations with real life issues.

The childish ones are just that. Childish illustrations that hopefully communicate the focus on the children education and their needs.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Storyboard Iterations

For the first one I wanted to keep it black and white, just to figure out how it would work out if I decide to proceed this way.

For the next two I tried to play a bit more with the typography by using expressive form and use of color. In some of the frames I played with the original layout to try and make them work a little bit better.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Choo, choo

Qualitative -  I wanted to go for a very simple illustration. Because, It doesn't take too much time to make these I would like to maybe make a series of them.  Maybe make a poster with several small illustrations that depict the scenic highlights of the ride.

Quantitative - With this one I wanted to keep a feeling of formality and organized information. But, also give it a touch of sophistication and modernity.


The three signs on the top are the ones I picked. The ones in the bottom are the ones that I wanted to experiment with.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Found: Visual Material

Here are some of the visual references for this project. Some are more visually engaging than others but all of them have some elements that I thought where insightful and interesting.